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Quirky corner news headlines

London Zoo animals receive summer treats London Zoo animals receive summer treats
Blood lollies, mealworm beach balls and seafood buckets were on the menu. Read More

London Zoo penguin chicks take to water for first time

London Zoo penguin chicks take to water for first time

The chicks have been hand-reared by keepers.

London Zoo penguin chicks take to water for first time

Edinburgh Zoo names newborn monkeys after Taylor Swift
The cotton-top tamarins were born on 4 June. Read More

Dachshund dog walk sets world record

Dachshund dog walk sets world record
Event helped raise £20,000 for rescue centres. Read More

Charity dog walk seeks to break record

Charity dog walk seeks to break record
Dachshunds will gather for the Largest Dachshund Dog Walk. Read More

Comedy pet photo awards shortlist revealed

Comedy pet photo awards shortlist revealed
The public can vote for their favourite of the 30 images. Read More

Parrots prefer to video-call than watch videos, study finds

Parrots prefer to video-call than watch videos, study finds

The findings could lead to an 'animal internet'.

Vet becomes first woman to complete Barkley Marathons

Vet becomes first woman to complete Barkley Marathons

Jasmin Paris finished race with just seconds to spare.

Statue to be created for fundraising dog

Statue to be created for fundraising dog
Snips the dog raised over £100,000 for charity. Read More

RSPCA People's Choice Award winner announced

RSPCA People's Choice Award winner announced
Eighteen-year-old Sophie Green takes the trophy. Read More