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Wildlife & exotics news headlines

Badger Trust calls for government to end badger cull Badger Trust calls for government to end badger cull
The Labour party's manifesto pledged to end 'ineffective' cull. Read More

Study looks at how domestic rabbits become feral

Study looks at how domestic rabbits become feral

Researchers found mix of domestic and feral DNA...

Study looks at how domestic rabbits become feral

National Trust site welcomes first kit in 400 years
The baby beaver is believed to have been born late May. Read More

Big Butterfly Count 2024 begins

Big Butterfly Count 2024 begins
Public urged to help monitor butterfly numbers. Read More

Naturewatch wins award for wildlife crime work

Naturewatch wins award for wildlife crime work
The charity has trained police officers in tackling the issue. Read More

RVC links unnatural body shapes with rabbit health issues

RVC links unnatural body shapes with rabbit health issues
The research also addresses the impacts of diet and exercise.Read More

Arctic tern colony sees more adults return than estimated

Arctic tern colony sees more adults return than estimated

The species was hit by bird flu last summer.

Hippos become airborne when moving quickly, study finds

Hippos become airborne when moving quickly, study finds

The research could help assess lameness in hippos.

Metropolitan Police reduces wildlife crime unit

Metropolitan Police reduces wildlife crime unit
Detectives are being redeployed to local crime problems. Read More

Bornean elephant at risk of extinction

Bornean elephant at risk of extinction
The subspecies has been listed as endangered. Read More