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Wildlife & exotics news headlines

Scottish bird species hit by climate change Scottish bird species hit by climate change
Temperature changes mean increases for some species, but declines for others. Read More

London Zoo celebrates birth of endangered froglets

London Zoo celebrates birth of endangered froglets

The 33 Darwin's frogs are the result of an urgent...

London Zoo celebrates birth of endangered froglets

Scientists call for review of pesticide flea treatments
Study find high levels of veterinary insecticide in bird's nests. Read More

Study sheds light on guinea pig neoplasia

Study sheds light on guinea pig neoplasia
Tumour prevalence increases with age. Read More

London Zoo welcomes rare Socorro doves

London Zoo welcomes rare Socorro doves
The species is designated 'extinct-in-the-wild'. Read More

Success for pine marten conservation partnership

Success for pine marten conservation partnership
Work is ongoing to restore the missing species in Wales and southwest England.Read More

Lynx dies after illegal release in Scottish National Park

Lynx dies after illegal release in Scottish National Park

It was one of four lynx released earlier this...

London Zoo conducts Annual Stocktake

London Zoo conducts Annual Stocktake

Zookeepers were tasked with counting every animal in their care.

Bats 'surf' storm fronts during migration, study finds

Bats 'surf' storm fronts during migration, study finds
Common noctule bats use the fronts to conserve energy. Read More

Leopards identifiable by their roar, study finds

Leopards identifiable by their roar, study finds
Each leopard has a unique roar, which researchers can identify with high accuracy. Read More