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Posted: 13th May 2024

Charity dog walk seeks to break record
Animal welfare activist Jodie Kidd will be walking Sausage the Dachshund at Marble Hill House.

Dachshunds will gather for 'The Largest Dachshund Dog Walk'.

A charity dog walk is hoping to make it into the Guinness World Records, as they bring Dachshunds together to achieve ‘The Largest Dachshund Dog Walk’.

The Agria Dog Walk UK will need to see at least 250 Dachshunds join them at Marble Hill House in London for their walk on Saturday, 18 May to make the record.

Among the fundraising dog-walkers will be Jodie Kidd, a TV personality and animal welfare activist who will be hitting the trail with her Dachshund, Sausage. The charity is calling for Dachshund owners across the country to join Ms Kidd for the leisurely walk.

The Dachshund record attempt is the newest addition to the Dog Walk, as Agria Dog Walk UK marks five years of the charity event.

However the charity dog walk is not exclusive to Dachshunds. Owners of dogs of any breed are invited to take part across three English Heritage Sites across the UK, as participants raise vital funds for animal rescue charities.

For those who are unable to make it to Marble Hill House, there will be official dog walks taking place at Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire and Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens in Northumberland. Walkers are also encouraged to walk at other English Heritage Sites, to raise much needed funds.

Alternatively, if they are unable to attend any of the sites, they can participate online. If they are walking in a local area, dog walkers can share a photo of their dog online, tag Agria Pet Insurance, and use the hashtag #AgriaDogWalk2024.

The pet insurer has pledged to donate £5 for every dog that joins the walk across the country.

Last year the Dog Walk, which is supported by English Heritage’s Dog-Friendly Days Out and the Kennel Club, raised over £18,500 for abandoned pets.

Vicki Wentworth, chief executive officer at Agria Pet Insurance, said: “We’re so excited about this year’s event – especially as we attempt a Guinness World Records title!

“Through our close work in the rehoming sector, we see every day how increasingly tough it is for animal rescues, so raising money for them with the Agria Dog Walk means the world to us."

For more information about taking part, visit its website.
Dog walkers can sign up for free at Marble Hill House, or pre-book tickets for Belsay Hall and Kenilworth Castle using an exclusive 25 per cent discount.

English Heritage members can take part for free at any site.

Image © Agria Pet Insurance and Shutterstock

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