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Posted: 28th March 2013

Think Rabbit month is coming
Month of May dedicated to rabbits and small furries

This year's Think Rabbit month, which takes place in May, will have the key theme of diet.

Sponsored by Supreme Pet Foods, Think Rabbit month is a campaign to help attract rabbit owners to vet practices and pet stores, and enrich the life of their pet.

The awareness month will highlight the importance of feeding rabbits and other small furry animals a high fibre, low sugar diet.

Vet practices and pet stores are being encouraged to sign up and take part by running special offers, events and competitions throughout the month of May.

Goodie bags containing a free sample bag of rabbit food, as well as information leaflets and other fun treats for rabbit owners will be sent out to participators.

Those that sign up will also agree to the Small Furry Promise, pledging to always consider small furry patients and customers when making decisions that will affect the animals they cater to.

As such, the month is not solely aimed at rabbits, as both practices and stores are able to show their appreciation for all small furry pets at the same time, such as ferrets, guinea pigs and rodents.

Click here to sign up to Think Rabbit month.

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