Alasdair Fraser, housing manager from Manor Estates Housing Association.
Manor Estates has enhanced its pet-friendly offering to its tenants.
A housing association in Edinburgh has become one of the first in the UK to be accredited by Dogs Trust for its pet-friendly policies.
Manor Estates Housing Association, which owns more than 1,000 properties across Fife and Edinburgh, has been working closely with Dogs Trust to enhance its pet-friendly offering to tenants.
While the housing association has always allowed its tenants to keep one pet within their home, it has now updated its policy. The change means that tenants will be asked to keep Manor Estates updated on any changes in pet ownership, so they can provide advice and support in caring for their pet.
Furthermore, Dogs Trust Canine Behaviour Team has been training the housing association’s team, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to help them interact safely with dogs.
The policies are expected to have a positive impact on pet-owning tenants, and those living nearby who don’t share homes with a pet.
Dogs Trust also hope that the project will be used as a blueprint by other housing associations, and has created a toolkit to help landlords become more pet friendly.
Jennifer Leonard, from Dogs Trust’s Pet-Friendly Housing Team, says: “We hope that other social landlords, and those in the private sector, too, can learn from the work Manor Estates has done and remove barriers that prevent tenants from having pets.
“Dogs bring a huge amount of joy into people’s lives, and for many owners, being separated from their pet is no different from being separated from a family member, so this work will go a long way in helping to keep more owners and their pets together.”
Alasdair Fraser, housing manager from Manor Estates Housing Association says: “As a registered social landlord, it is our mission to provide excellent homes and services that support inclusive communities. We are a people-focussed organisation and recognise that this partnership supports our values and leads to a brighter future where our tenants and their pets can live happily.
"We’re delighted to be the first housing provider in the UK to be accredited under the Dogs Trust scheme, and that our work to become more pet-friendly has been recognised in this way.”
The project has been made possible thanks to funds raised by the Peoples Postcode Lottery.
Image (C) Dogs Trust.