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Posted: 25th September 2024

RCVS prepares for this year’s Fellowship Day
Peter Cairns, executive director of a rewildling charity, will give the keynote speech.
The event will see 48 new Fellows formally welcomed.

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) is preparing to host its annual Fellowship Day on 28 November 2024.

The event, which will take place at One Great George Street, Westminster, will bring together RCVS Fellows for a day of presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities.

Peter Cairns, executive director of Scotland: The Big Picture will be giving the keynote speech. He will showcase the work of the charity in helping to rewild areas of Scotland in response to climate change and biodiversity loss.

Two panel sessions will discuss major topics relevant to the veterinary profession. Session One will look at ‘Preparedness for Disease Outbreak’ and Session Two will focus on ‘The Critical Role of Veterinary Professionals in Emergencies and Disasters’.

There will also be a chance to hear about the research of three undergraduate and/or postgraduate students as part of the Fellows of the Future presentations. A judging panel of RCVS Fellows will pick the best presentation as the winner. There will also be posters displayed showcasing the research of up to ten other students.

The day will also see this year’s 48 new Fellows formally welcomed to the RCVS Fellowship.

Niall Connell, chair of the RCVS Fellowship Board, said: “This is looking to be an absolutely fantastic occasion, a chance to discuss and debate some crucial topics facing both the veterinary professions and wider society and gain an understanding of the future of veterinary research. I expect anyone who attends will be leaving with brand new knowledge and perspectives.  

“I look forward to meeting our new Fellows and their loved ones, my colleagues on the Fellowship Board and all our students, panel members and guests in what I am sure will be a very convivial and stimulating atmosphere.”  

Image © RCVS

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