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Posted: 25th July 2024

Kennel Club to host webinar on haemangiosarcoma
The webinar will include a one-hour presentation and a question and answer session.
Topics covered will include symptoms and treatment options.

The Kennel Club is set to host a free webinar on haemangiosarcom for veterinary professionals, breeders and owners.

The session, organised by The Kennel Club’s health team, will take place between 7-8.30pm on Wednesday, 7 August.

The speaker will be Mark Goodfellow, head of oncology at Davies Veterinary Specialists. He is a European Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine, an RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Oncology, and has a DPhil in molecular oncology from the University of Oxford.

Haemangiosarcom can present in serveral forms, including cutaneous, subcutaneous and visceral. Symptoms can be subtle and may not be noticed until the tumour spreads or ruptures.

During the webinar, Dr Goodfellow will talk about the research into haemangiosarcom, including breed susceptibilities, symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and possible treatment options. He will also explore what future research could reveal.

After a one-hour presentation, there will be a 30-minute question and answer session. Questions can be asked during the webinar or pre-submitted when registering.

For those interested in learning more about canine cancers, there is also a previous webinar about osteosarcoma available to watch on YouTube, alongside other health webinars from The Kennel Club. The speaker was Mark Dunning, a professor of small animal internal medicine at the University of Nottingham who has led various research projects into osteosarcoma.

Those interested in attending the webinar on haemangiosarcom can book a place here.

Image © Shutterstock

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