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Posted: 6th June 2024

Animals evacuated from Ukraine’s Kharkiv region
U-Hearts has been providing food and other supplies to support the shelters taking in the evacuated animals.
Volunteers risked their lives to move pets to safety.

Volunteer groups have helped evacuate hundreds of animals from the Kharkiv region of Ukraine following the launch of a Russian offensive on 10 May 2024.

The ongoing fighting in the region has made the areas around cities such as Vovchansk and villages such as Lypetske and Lukiantsi extremely dangerous for civilians and animals.

More than 12,000 people have been evacuated, and volunteers working for animal rescue organisations have been risking their lives to make sure that animals aren't left behind.

Pets that weren’t able to leave with their owners, and animals in shelters that were at risk from the fighting, have been taken to safer shelters in the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, and Khmelnytskyi regions.

To help the shelters care for this influx of new arrivals, the U-Hearts Foundation has provided them with essential supplies. The not-for-profit organisation has delivered 3,810 kg of dog food, 496 kg of cat food, 50 blankets, and 342 doses of parasite treatment.

Yuriу Tokarski, CEO of U-Hearts, said: “We are sincerely grateful to all the organisations and volunteers who risk their lives to care for, rescue, and evacuate animals from dangerous places. These people are truly amazing!

“And, of course, thanks to those who support our organisation with donations so we can continue to provide aid to evacuated animals, supplying them with food, medicine, and other necessary items. Through this support we can maintain the chain of assistance to animals affected by the war.”

Donations can be made on the U-Hearts website.

Image © U-Hearts Foundation

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