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Posted: 30th May 2024

Charities warn XL bully owners of neuter deadline
The Dog Control Coalition is urging XL bully owners not to delay neutering.
Defra must receive neutering proof by 30 June.

A coalition of animal charities and veterinary organisations has reminded XL bully owners of the impending deadline for neutering exempted XL bullies.

If a dog was over the age of one on 31 January 2024, the owner must supply proof of neutering to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) by 30 June 2024.

The Dog Control Coalition, which includes the RSPCA, Dogs Trust and the British Veterinary Association, has warned that a failure to do so could mean an exemption certificate is revoked. This could mean the dog is seized by the police, even if the owner has begun the exemption process.

The group says that XL bully owners should not wait to book a neutering appointment for their pet. With the deadline approaching, veterinary practices are expecting an increase in neutering cases, which could mean there is not an available appointment in time.

Owners should also account for the time it takes to complete the necessary documentation for neutering proof.

The evidence which Defra requires is an official form (VCN01), which must be signed by a veterinary surgeon. This will need to have been completed and received by Defra before the 30 June deadline.

The deadline will only apply to dogs which were over the age of one on 31 January 2024.

If a dog was between seven months and 12 months of age, it must be neutered by 31 December 2024. If it was under seven months old, the deadline is 30 June 2025.

A neutering scheme, managed by RSPCA, Blue Cross and Battersea, is currently running to provide financial assistance to those who need support with neutering costs. It can be applied for through participating practices, and will run until all funds have been allocated.

On behalf of the Dog Control Coalition, Dr Sam Gaines, from the RSPCA, said: “We urge XL bully owners whose dog was over the age of one at the end of January and who have applied for exemption to make sure that proof of neutering is provided before 30 June to avoid the heartbreak of their dog being seized.

“If they have yet to arrange for their dog to be neutered then they need to speak to their vet with urgency.”

Image © Shutterstock


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