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Posted: 14th May 2024

BVNA Council election candidates announced
Members will be able to vote from 3 June 2024 to 28 June 2024.
Voting will open next month.

The candidates for this year’s British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Council elections have been announced.

There are seven candidates, nominated by the BVNA’s members, who are standing for three RVN seats.

The candidates are:
  • Simone Bennet
  • Jessica Bold
  • Chloé Carpenter
  • Hamish Morrin
  • Amber Smith
  • Helen Stewart
  • Leanne Walsh
A profile of each candidate can be read on the BVNA website. Among the issues that the candidates want to prioritise are mental health support, career development opportunities, and protecting the title ‘veterinary nurse’.

Voting will open on 3 June 2024 and close on 28 June 2024. BVNA members will be sent an email on how to vote. The results will be announced in July and the successful candidates ratified at BVNA Congress on 13 October 2024.

The BVNA Council is made up of 12 RVNs and three student veterinary nurses, with the three-year terms staggered so that there are seats are up for election each year. The council decides on the strategic direction of the organisation and represents it at veterinary events.

BVNA president Lyndsay Hughes said: “I am delighted that seven RVNs have been put forwards to stand for our council elections this year.

“I would like to thank all candidates for having the courage and dedication to our profession in order to do so. It is an exciting time to be part of BVNA Council, and the successful candidates who join us will be part of our work to shape the future of the veterinary nursing profession.”

Image © British Veterinary Nursing Association


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