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Posted: 13th May 2024

Leadership video released to mark VNAM
“As I’ve mentioned, whether it’s specialising, leadership, teaching or research, RVNs have so many transferable skills that can be used across the sector in many different roles” – Betsy Malamah-Thomas.
Short film features a nursing and clinical support manager.

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has released a short film showcasing a veterinary nurse in a leadership role to mark Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM).

Part of the college’s Leadership Stories series, the film features Betsy Malamah-Thomas, nursing and clinical support manager at the Royal Veterinary College’s Queen Mother Hospital for Animals.

In the video, Ms Malamah-Thomas talks about her role at the hospital, how she got into the veterinary sector, and the importance of showcasing diverse leaders and career opportunities to help increase the diversity of people working in the profession.

Gurpreet Gill, RCVS leadership and inclusion manager, said: “The theme for VNAM this year is ‘progression’, and we hope that this film will inspire members of the veterinary community, or those aspiring to become members, to find their own inner leaders.

“There are so many different opportunities working in the veterinary sector, but it’s often difficult to know what could be possible.

“We hope, that by sharing the leadership stories of people like Betsy, we can help demystify the landscape slightly and help to show people that there are many opportunities out there that they may not have previously considered or even be aware of.”

Ms Malamah-Thomas added: “It was a brilliant opportunity to work with the team at the RCVS on such an important project. As I’ve mentioned, whether it’s specialising, leadership, teaching or research, RVNs have so many transferable skills that can be used across the sector in many different roles.”

The film, alongside others in the Leadership Stories series, can be viewed on YouTube.

Image © Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

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