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Posted: 15th December 2023

Research shows welfare impact of shar pei skin
Almost one in five shar peis are diagnosed with infolded eyelids each year.
The Kennel Club calls for people to avoid buying dogs with exaggerated features.

A new study has revealed the impact that the wrinkled skin of shar pei dogs has on their health and wellbeing, leading to calls for would-be-owners to avoid buying puppies with exaggerated features.

Researchers found that in-turned eyelids (entropion) and ear disorders were both much more common in shar pei dogs than the general dog population, owing to the breed’s characteristic loose, folded skin.

Led by the VetCompass programme at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), the study looked at the anonymised clinical records of 1,913 shar pei dogs, exploring data on common disorders, mortality and demography of the breed in the UK.

The data revealed that almost one in five shar pei dogs are formally diagnosed with turned-in eyelids each year, compared to an average of around one in 200 for other dogs.

The researchers also found that 16.4 per cent were diagnosed with an ear infection each year, compared to 7.3 per cent in other breeds.

It is estimated that there are around 36,000 shar pei dogs owned in the UK.

Dr Dan O’Neill, lead author of the paper, said: “Animal welfare legislation in England and Wales places a legal responsibility on owners to prevent unnecessary suffering in their dog. This new evidence from the Royal Veterinary College clearly shows that the extreme conformation of loose thickened and folded skin leads to painful in-turned eyelids and several other serious health issues.

“It is now time for us all to unite in protecting dogs by refusing to accept extreme body conformations as normal or acceptable for any dog.”

Bill Lambert, health, welfare and breeding services executive at The Kennel Club, added: “Whilst The Kennel Club breed standard for the Shar Pei is clear that excessive skin and wrinkling, and eye conditions such as entropion, are not acceptable, this research shows these are still clearly issues for many dogs in this breed, and that is why it’s crucial that would-be owners see parents of the puppy they are buying and avoid any with exaggerated features, and breeders make responsible decisions.”

The study has been published in the journal Canine Genetics and Medicine.

Image © Shutterstock

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