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Posted: 6th October 2022

EVJ releases virtual issue on owner behaviour and motivation
Image (C) British Equine Veterinary Association.
New collection considers impact on equine welfare.

The Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ) has released a virtual collection on understanding owner behaviours and motivation, and the impact this has on equine welfare.

Guest-edited by David Rendle, the new president of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA), and Tamzin Furtado, the collection consists of 20 articles, and is free to view for 12 weeks.

Created to address the information gap surrounding the way that human behaviour impacts the way equine veterinary science is implemented, the collection is made up of papers on equine stakeholder knowledge, attitudes and values.

David Rendle, guest editor and BEVA president, explained the motivations behind the new virtual issue: “Behavioural studies are important in understanding health-related behaviours and in identifying potential barriers to change.

“Failure to utilise behavioural science not only compromises the potential benefits of interventions but can result in overtly negative impacts on health.”

Studies in the collection focus on topics including owner knowledge and opinions on recognising colic, treating infectious disease, uptake of basic preventative health measures and attitudes and behaviour around equine obesity and laminitis.

The issue also covers the importance of professionals that are not veterinary surgeons, such as farriers, equine podiatrists, physiotherapists, dental technicians, chiropractors and equine organisations.

Guest editor Tamzin Furtado commented: “As our understanding of the drivers of behaviour develops, pre-existing behaviour change models will help us to understand the barriers and enablers to uptake.

“With dissemination of this knowledge, we have a better chance of communicating effectively and implementing change that will have a positive impact on equine welfare at individual, community, and national level.”

EVJ editor Professor Celia Marr discussed the virtual collection: “It is dangerous to assume an understanding of the motivators of horse owner behaviours and actions; these papers confirm the current lack of comprehension, providing an invaluable insight, which will ultimately help us to accelerate improvements in equine veterinary practice and, most importantly, equine welfare.”

Available to read here, the collection is free to view until 26 December 2022.

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