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Posted: 8th December 2021

Giant pandas to stay in Edinburgh until 2023
"We are thrilled that Yang Guang and Tian Tian will be staying at Edinburgh Zoo for two more years" - David Field.

The UK's only giant pandas will stay at Edinburgh Zoo for a further two years. 

Edinburgh Zoo's giant pandas will live there for two more years, following an agreement with the China Wildlife Conservation Association to extend their stay.

Yang Guang and Tian Tian are the only giant pandas in the UK, and have lived at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's (RZSS) Edinburgh Zoo since December 2011 as part of a 10 year arrangement with the China Wildlife Conservation Association.

The zoo is 'thrilled' that the Yang Guang and Tian Tian will be staying for two more years, and David Field, RZSS chief executive, said: “Yang Guang and Tian Tian have helped millions of people connect with nature, so it is fantastic that they will be with us a little longer before we say goodbye, especially as the pandemic has made it much harder for people to visit them.”

Breeding has been unsuccessful in the time that the giant pandas have been in Edinburgh, and the RZSS has confirmed that no breeding will attempted during their last two years in Edinburgh.

David added: “A cub would have generated even more interest in giant pandas and given Tian Tian a wonderful opportunity to be a mother again, after she gave birth in China.

“However, natural and artificial insemination breeding attempts have not b een successful and now is the time to move on and just enjoy having Yang Guang and Tian Tian with us for two more years.

“We are very proud of the contribution we have made to giant panda breeding research alongside our partners at the University of Edinburgh and our findings have been of real benefit to international efforts to protect the species.”


Image (C) RZSS

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